Posts Tagged ‘stitch markers’

Need a Crochet Stitch Marker? (You May Already Have One on You!)

Posted in Fun Ramblings on March 11th, 2014 by Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 45 Comments

Stitch markers are one of the most basic and sometimes the one of the most fun crochet tools. For those who haven’t used them yet, crochet stitch markers are a removable tool that you place on your crochet as you are working. They serve the purpose of marking a spot in your crochet work where you are supposed to “do something,” such as start a new round, make an increase, change colors, etc. Stitch markers are often mentioned in the pattern but sometimes you’re crocheting along and you realize you could benefit from using a stitch marker. Stitch markers can be helpful in keeping count on long pieces, and a single stitch marker can hold your active crochet stitch in place while your transporting your work from place to place!

I wanted to share some of the random things I’ve used as stitch markers over the years. While I love fancy handmade stitch markers from Etsy, and I have certainly used the perfectly-sized, removable, plastic stitch markers from Clover, I have used the following items to hold my crochet for just a moment, or for a while.
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