Make Your Spring Cleaning More Fun with Crochet
Posted in Fun Ramblings on March 17th, 2015 by Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 2 CommentsHey there, Crochet Spotters! How’s the weather by you? I know there are lots of us living in the Northern part of North America, and I understand that winter’s in full swing up there. But I’m here to tell you that warmer weather is on the way! By the time that rolls around, you want to be ready to rush out and enjoy it, right? You don’t want to be stuck in the house doing your spring cleaning. According to the calendar, we’re just a few weeks away from Passover and Easter, the harbingers of the new season, so it’s time to plan and get moving! Why not incorporate crochet into your spring cleaning?

Image via flickr modified from Chiot’s Run license
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