Posts Tagged ‘review’

New “Yarns for You” Crochet Yarn Reviews!

Posted in Fun Ramblings, News on March 25th, 2014 by Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 24 Comments

I am excited to annouce a new series on Crochet Spot – “Yarns for You” Crochet Yarn Reviews! The purpose of “Yarns for You” is to share a crocheter’s point of view about what makes a yarn good/bad/fun/useful/etc. to crochet with! This will be different from the “Focus on Fiber” series in that I will be reviewing specific types of yarn by name. As always, it would be great to hear from other Crochet Spotters in the comments section!

Why a crochet yarn review? Did you ever notice how sometimes yarn makers put all of the knitting information on the label and have knitted samples in the store, but may overlook crochet? Truthfully, some yarn is better for knitting and some is better for crochet. It has to do with how the yarn is constructed.
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