New Printer Friendly Pages!

By Rachel Choi – 1 Comment
After a few request and having to play around with some code yesterday, Crochet Spot now has printer friendly pages!!! If you tried to print a blog post in the past, you may have realized that it’s really messy and you end up printing out a bunch of things that you don’t need. Now, it’s neater and hopefully you’ll be saving money on paper and ink. printer friendly pages!

To print blog posts or pages from Crochet Spot, simply use the print option in your internet browser’s menu bar.

Granted that you do have a printer, your printing experience here at Crochet Spot should be improved! Let me know what you think of the new printer friendly pages!

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One Comment

  1. Betty says:

    You are so clever — the printing function is great! Thank you so much for all you do for the rest of us!

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