Join the Crochet Along! Win a Pattern!

By Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 35 Comments

Exciting! My last ramble, Let’s Crochet Along, elicited a big response. The question was, “Do you want a quick & easy crochet along?” The answer was a resounding, “Yes!” Hooray!!

I am happy to administrate this fun and fabulous CAL, and here are all of the details!

How will it work?

The CAL will have a theme – Quick and Easy Holiday Gifts. That way, it can help us reach our holiday crafting goals.

Did you know that on Sept. 1, there will only be 114 crafting days until Christmas, and only 87 crafting days until the first night of Haunukkah?



Each participant will crochet at least one item, and post a link to a picture in the comments of a future Crochet Spot post (more below). Finally, a winner will be randomly chosen from all project photos submitted. You may enter as many times as you like, but even if you only crochet (and post a photo of) just one thing, you may still win!

What will we make?

That’s where you get to have lots of fun! I am going to curate a list of several patterns that are perfect Quick and Easy Holiday Gifts from the many patterns to be found here at Crochet Spot! You simply choose a pattern (or patterns) from the list and get crocheting! Crochet only one item, or as many as you like. The choice is yours!

What will we win?

You mean aside from the sense of pride in knowing that you’ve finished a holiday project or two (or ten)? You mean in addition to enjoying the sense of community we’re creating here? Well, I’ve partnered with Rachel, and she’s happy to award one lucky winner a free Crochet Spot Pattern download! Woo hoo hoo! Rachel will also create a photo round-up of the entries, so your work may be featured right here on Crochet Spot! 😀

How will we win?

Well, everyone who completes a project and links to a picture of it here in the comments will have an entry in a drawing for the pattern giveaway! You may enter as many times as you like, but you must make each project a separate comment entry.

What’s the Timeline?

Starting: The Crochet Along will start when the list of patterns is posted in the next ramble! The post will go up in early September. After you see it, choose your pattern and get crocheting! Bookmark that post, because that is going to be the one where you comment in order to enter for the prize!

UPDATE: You can find the list of crochet patterns here: The Quick and Easy Holiday Crochet Along!

Ending: In order to get the prizes out on time, we’re going to stop this crochet along on Nov. 26, which is the day before the first night of Haunukkah. The entries will be tallied, and the prize will be awarded on December 1.

That gives us more than eight weeks of good crafting time. I think we can get a lot accomplished in that time, don’t you? I am so excited about the Quick and Easy Holiday Gift Crochet Along!!

Which favorite Crochet Spot Patterns would you like to see in the list of CAL patterns? Please leave a comment below! Get pumped!

UPDATE: Get crocheting! You can find the list of crochet patterns here: The Quick and Easy Holiday Crochet Along!

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  1. Marilee says:

    Yay I’m so excited. I was wondering if the patterns we choose from for the cal will be free, or if we will need to purchase patterns. Thanks for the awesome CAL! I need this motivation since I’m a last second gift maker lol.

  2. Kristin says:

    I plan to participate regardless but I’m a premium patterm member so how will that work in awarding a free pattern?

  3. Brenda says:

    I am so excited. I have never done this and am looking forward to my first CAL!

  4. Maria G. says:

    I know winter is not so far as it seems to be, so I’d like to make a case for my iPhone 4 and I AM really interested in all types of crochet patterns. But, relatives tell me all the time that I’m ‘lazy girl’, so I don’t mind to see here the easiest patterns 😉 Would you show some?

  5. Miya says:

    Happy happy joy joy, yay! I’m so excited to start!

  6. Colleen R says:

    I’m really looking forward to this!

  7. Derb S. says:

    I’ve been wanting to be a part of a crochet group locally. This CAL is the berries! Just think of how many fellow crocheters in my group!!

  8. Carrie P. says:

    I might participate depending on the patterns since I am pretty new to crochet.

  9. LuAnne says:

    I love CAL’s. Just saw the Nearly Autumn Shaw & think it would be good one for a CAL.

  10. ckayak says:

    would love to join CAL… tried one but was too L_O_N_G….
    love quick and easy!! count me in!

  11. Brids says:

    What a great idea! I am definitely going to enter in this. Great that it’ll be quick and easy Patterns as my time became very limited not so Long ago…

  12. Bea says:

    I am so excited. I have never done this and am looking forward to my first CAL!

    The Netherlands

  13. paty says:

    I agree with Luann, the nearly autumn shawl would be good choice. But any easy shawl should do nicely for me. I am so excited too! but I need the motivation!

  14. I’ve never done a CAL before so think I will give this one a try. Looking for to seeing the patterns to choose from.

  15. Karen Holsopple says:

    Count me in on the CAL!!!! I love to crochet but sometimes need some motivation and/or a deadline. I too think the Autumn Shawl would be a good one. It looks beautiful!

  16. Nicki says:

    I’m super excited I’ve never participated in a CAL before I’ve always kinda been kinda intimidated. I feel like this is a great place to start so I’m really excited!

  17. Lydia says:

    How fabulous. Can’t wait to get started!!

  18. Sue Hornick says:

    I’m excited too, sounds like fun. I crochet a lot for charity so may be some quick toys or the frog security blanket.

  19. Brenda says:

    Lets get started!

  20. Jann says:

    I’d love to see the wine glass lanyard as a choice.. The frog security blanket…the flip flop coasters.. the hooded chevron cowl would be awesome!!! working girl crossbody would be a great gift to do..

  21. Susan Polivka says:

    I think the Ruched Ruffle Scarf would make a lovely Christmas gift…..Can’t wait to start!!

  22. jackie pudvay says:

    Hi, I’m in, can’t wait!

  23. Ladybug lover says:

    Just count me in, as long as you supply the list. Let’s do this!!!!!!

  24. gatyamgal says:

    Count me in!

  25. Sunday says:

    I want to join in on the CAL, but I do not have a camera to take a picture to download with. I am way, way far behind in technology.

  26. Tonia says:

    I’m ready!!

  27. Rachel Choi says:

    Hi everyone!!! Here’s the link to the patterns for the CAL:

    Have fun crocheting and sharing your work!

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